Ahoy, lads! We be very excited to tell ye about two new products that be comin' at ye like a cannonball: Blackbeard for Men Seasoap and Seaspray.

Blackbeard for Men Seasoap is a luxury, anti-aging bar soap designed to help fight back against the ravages of time. With collagen, vitamin E and kelp, Seasoap is a new, powerful weapon in yer arsenal. It also contains jojoba oil, cucumber extract and hempseed oil to reinvigorate yer skin and help ye look yer best.
Seasoap even looks like the sea itself and has an invigorating ocean breeze scent. Best of all, it's a hefty 6.17 ounces/175 grams of long-lasting, sudsy awesomeness.
Seasoap will be available this fall at BlackbeardforMen.com.
Ready to have your hair energized? Blackbeard for Men Seaspray is a jolt of joe for your scalp. With caffeine and biotin, plus our own special blend of hair vitamins, Seaspray helps fight back against hair loss. When used in combination with your minoxidil spray, Seaspray acts as a powerful 1-2 punch, increasing blood flow to your scalp and nourishing your hair.

Two powerful new products to help men look their best and laugh at that bastard Father Time. Look for Blackbeard for Men Seaspray and Seasoap at BlackbeardforMen.com this fall/winter 2022.
Blackbeard for Men - Get Your Beard On.
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